Nebraska Pin Shooters
Pictures / Video
Match Results
Tips / Techniques
Schedule of Events
Columbus Rifle Club
Lincoln Ikes
Pin Shooting Basics
Weeping Water Gun Club
Pin Shooting History

The place for information about Bowling Pin Shoots in Eastern Nebraska
2008 Weeping Water Schedules are up!!!

Bowling pin shooting is a fun event to participate in and sharpen your handgun shooting skills. There are a few ranges in Eastern Nebraska that hold bowling pin shooting competitions throughout the year, Lincoln Izaak Walton League, Weeping Water Gun Club, and the Columbus Rifle Club.
If you know of other ranges or Bowling Pin Shooting events in the area, please let me know and I will post information about them here.
Bowling Pin shooting is an event of accuracy pushed by the need for speed!


NOTE: Every effort is made to post accurate information about the bowling pin shoots here in Nebraska. However changes in rules or procedures can be made at any time by one of the Match Directors who are resonsible for running these matches.

Questions about this site: cmzeeb (at) gmail (dot) com